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What is it?

Varken is Dutch for PIG. PIG is an Acronym for Plex/InfluxDB/Grafana

Varken is a standalone application to aggregate data from the Plex ecosystem into InfluxDB using Grafana for a frontend

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1. Installation

sb install sandbox-varken

2. URL

  • To access the Varken dashboard, visit https://grafana._yourdomain.com_

3. Setup

  1. Run the Saltbox varken role to install varken/influxdb/telegraf/grafana:

        sb install sandbox-varken
  2. Add your Maxmind API key to varken.ini:

        nano /opt/varken/varken.ini
  3. Restart Varken:

        docker restart varken
  4. Visit grafana https://grafana._yourdomain.com_

    • The configured username/password are taken from your Saltbox accounts.yml file located in /srv/git/saltbox/accounts.yml
  5. Add data source InfluxDB named InfluxDB:

    1. HTTP: URL = http://influxdb:8086

    2. InfluxDB Details: Database = varken

    3. Save & Test

  6. Add data source InfluxDB named Telegraf:

    1. HTTP: URL = http://influxdb:8086

    2. InfluxDB Details: Database = telegraf

    3. Save & Test

  7. You can find an example dashboard here which can be uploaded or pasted into Grafana to import.

  8. For app specific instructions refer to the grafana role and the upstream documentation Documentation

Authors: owine