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Plex Utills

What is it?

Plex Utills is a set of scripts that enhance your plex library:

4K/HDR Posters

This script will go through your library and add a 4k banner to your posters. Configurable options include:

  • Selecting full width banners or mini corner banners
  • enabling HDR banners
  • Backup your original posters alongside your media

This can be run on both your films library and your TV shows Library. If enabled on your TV shows, a mini 4K banner will be added to each of your 4K episodes, not the season posters. This is due to the possibility of having Shows/Seasons with mixed resolutions. TV shows will be done at the same time as film posters.

3D Posters

Much like the 4K poster script, this will go through your films and add a 3D banner to your films. Currently as Plex has no support for labelling content as 3D this will only work for 3D films kept in a separate library. You can configure the script to have full width banners or the mini corner banners as well as backing up your posters.

Project home Docs Github Docker

1. Installation

sb install sandbox-plex-utills

2. Setup

Visit https://plex-utills._yourdomain.com_ and set up plex-utills according to the Documentation

Authors: owine