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What is it?

Dozzle is a small lightweight application with a web based interface to monitor Docker logs. It doesn’t store any log files. It is for live monitoring of your container logs only. Dozzle can only access logs written to stdout or stderr which is the same functionality as the docker logs command. See below for more info on that.

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1. Installation

sb install dozzle

2. URL

  • To access Dozzle, visit https://dozzle._yourdomain.com_

3. Setup

To view log files that are NOT written to stdout or stderr, use the following to setup a basic Alpine Linux container via Docker Compose that just tails a mounted log file (in this case, Cloudplow) which then exposes it to Dozzle. Adjust as needed for your circumstances.

  tail-cloudplow: # (1)!
    container_name: tail-cloudplow # (2)!
    image: alpine
      - /opt/cloudplow/cloudplow.log:/opt/cloudplow/cloudplow.log:ro # (3)!
      - tail
      - -F
      - /opt/cloudplow/cloudplow.log # (4)!
    network_mode: none
    restart: unless-stopped
    user: 1000:1000 # (5)!
  1. You can pick any name for the container, but it is recommended to pick a memorable name that you will recognize in the Dozzle menu.
  2. You can pick any name for the container, but it is recommended to pick a memorable name that you will recognize in the Dozzle menu.
  3. The volume mount for the log file. This takes the format of /host/path/to.log:/container/path/to.log:ro. The :ro suffix is optional but recommended to give this container only read-only access to the log file.
  4. The path inside of the container where the log file is accessible. This must be the same in the volumes section above and this command section. Matching the annotation example, this would be /container/path/to.log.
  5. Provide your uid:gid if they are different. You can check these values by running the id command.

To get the container running, follow our docs on starting a docker container here; Your Own Containers.

Authors: owine